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Username in newsletter

Regin Madsen

Maybe a silly question, but what tag to use when you want to include the username in a newsletterv3 page based newsletter?

Iwe tried to use Username, DwUserName, accessusername, but with no luck.

The solution is running on an old if that have anything to say.

/Regin Madsen


Merethe Nielsen


I don't have a 18.x version, but tried on the latest release
I can use DWUserName both for manual and page based newsletters in Newsletterv3.
I insert DWUserName in the editor source above the source code for the page (see attached image) and I get the name of the recipient in the top of the e-mail when I recieve it.


Regin Madsen

Yepworks like a charm on newer installations - but didnt seem to work on the old one. Do you know if there have been any bugs previoulsy on this?
Morten Bengtson
I'm not sure if this is related to that problem...

The name (DWUserName) is available in Newsletter v3, but the username (DWUserUserName) is not.
It's weird because the DWUserUserName is available in the old Newsletter extended.

Any plans for new and improved newsletter functionality - or standard integration with some of the popular services like CampaignMonitor, MailChimp and Ubivox?


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