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Metatags on empty category with subcategories

Mads Andersen

I've run into some issues with metatags (title, keywords, description) does not show on empty categories with subcategories.
The reason why is, when no products found on the category I list the subcategories in the "NoProductsFound" template. The "NoProductsFound" template has no metatags and the categorys tags gets overwritten by the current page's tags.
It's a huge problem that I can't SEO optimize the top categories pages.

The question is now:

Is there any other way to list the subcategories than from the "NoProductsFound" template and what's the correct way to do it?
And how do I ensure that the metatags from the category with no products will be shown?


Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
If this is the case, it is a bug.

I'll have our QA take a look and file a bug if reproduced.

Mads Andersen
 Thank you.

Please let me know if it is a bug :-)
Merethe Nielsen

Did you try the Subgroups loop? I get these tags inside that loop:

Add this to your "No products" template:


<li class="listitem<!--@Groups.LoopMod2-->">
        <h3><a href="<!--@Ecom:Group.Link.Clean-->"><!--@Ecom:Group.Name--></a></h3>
        <span class="shortdescription"><!--@Ecom:Group.Description--></span>
No product found

Mads Andersen
Thanks, but that is not quite the answer I'm looking for. I would like the whole template to be tagged with the parent category metatags and not the non existend tags from the NoProductsFound template.

I was aware that the tags were available :-)

I'm also looking for an alternative way, if any, to show the child categories when there's no products and only child categories.

But thank you :-) 
Merethe Nielsen

I'm sorry that I misunderstood you. I now get it and was able to reproduce it.

I have created bug 7220.

I talked to Nicaoli and we don't think that there is a workaround.


Mads Andersen
 Thank you, sorry for my bad explaining :-)


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