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No information tab...




I am trying to pullout a contact person on every page by assigning a responsible for the page and then display it.

But I can't find the "Information tab" in the Users profile so I can write in the phone number! It is displayed in the extranet part (and the tags show up when calling @DwTemplateTags) but not in the regular users part... Do I need to turn it on somewhere or what?



(We have a portal solution installed...)




Hi Ole


The information tab only exists on extranet users.
Not on regular backend users.


// Dammark


Then why does these tags exist:




Is there a possibility to add extranet users as managers of pages?


They are for admin users...


Frontend and backend users are stored in the same place, so theoretically it is possible. But since it's not intended to be used with Extranet user, it is not recommended. If we at some point decide to change the functionalty, it may have an unintended effect on sites who use it in a different way.


Yeah ok,

I just want an easily maintainable way to display contactpersons (with phonenumbers...) on some of my pages... I tried the HR module but it doesn't seem to offer me the possibilities :/
What would be a good strategy for solving that problem?

(And why are these tags available:
If I can't input the information anywhere?)


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