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Editing confirmationtemplate in newsletter




Whenever a user signs up to recieve a newsletter, they will be redirected to a page that states the users name and email and a short text you are able to write yourself in the pagemodule.


This "page" starts with a TR and ends with a TR-end tag - which is a problem since the rest of the page is build with div's. So i want to change the template..


I've asked the dynamicweb service desk, but they couldn't help me with this specific problem, since it's not possible to change this template with standard functionality. They told me i could try and ask in this forum, beacause he thought there was some way to force the system to use a costum template with a certain piece of code.. Does anyone know which code the servicedesk is talking about?


/ Peter



Hi Peter


If it's the regular newsletter module I don't think there is any code to mingle with.

The only solution is to wrap the @ParagraphModule in a table tag, so that it fits with the TR from the output of the module.


// Sebastian


Hola Sebastian,


The module is Newsletter (Extended).. So there's no way to go than a table tag, unless you have the V2? would be nice to know for later template development, and i would alse recommend that you make the template editable :)


But thanks for the help..


/ Peter

Dammark wrote:

Hi Peter


If it's the regular newsletter module I don't think there is any code to mingle with.

The only solution is to wrap the @ParagraphModule in a table tag, so that it fits with the TR from the output of the module.


// Sebastian

.. An easier solution is to write a simple javascript into the "submissiontext" area to redirect the users to a page of your choice, dunno why I didn't think of that earlier :)


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