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I'm making a menu in xslt where the (foldout) sub menues have different color according to wich topmenu was choosen.

something like this:









sub1_1, sub1_2 are blue

sub2_1,sub2_2 are red


I'm able to do this with an if structure testing their Settings/Pageview ID


<xsl:if test="Settings/Pageview[@ID='17']">

<!-- make submenues blue-->





<xsl:if test="Settings/Pageview[@ID='18']">

<!-- make submenues red-->





But I would like them to keep their color after selecting a sub menu, but in the xml there seems to be no memory of their parent ID.

Do you have any suggestions how I could achive this?

Or is it even possible?


Can I use the AreaID for this?





Nicolai Høeg Pedersen
Reply wrote:



I'm making a menu in xslt where the (foldout) sub menues have different color according to wich topmenu was choosen.

something like this:









sub1_1, sub1_2 are blue

sub2_1,sub2_2 are red


I'm able to do this with an if structure testing their Settings/Pageview ID


<xsl:if test="Settings/Pageview[@ID='17']">

<!-- make submenues blue-->





<xsl:if test="Settings/Pageview[@ID='18']">

<!-- make submenues red-->





But I would like them to keep their color after selecting a sub menu, but in the xml there seems to be no memory of their parent ID.

Do you have any suggestions how I could achive this?

Or is it even possible?


Can I use the AreaID for this?




Hi Jan


AreaID makes no sense, since all the items in the XML is from the same area. The path of the navigation is marked with parameter InPath="True" which you can use.




Hi Jan


AreaID makes no sense, since all the items in the XML is from the same area. The path of the navigation is marked with parameter InPath="True" which you can use.






thanks for the quick reply



Yes, but it doesen't tell me which ID its parent is.

I think I have to solve it using several paragraph setups and menus, one for each top node. messy but it works..

Would be nicer to keep all the menu stuff in one xslt




Nicolai Høeg Pedersen


No - you can ask for the parentnode or something like Page[@InPath='True' AND @ID='13'] or something like that - its possible...


Can't you just use ../@ID in your xPath ?


// Sebastian


Hi again!


The ID is just the current ID, not its parent ID.


I have looked at the xml output and there is no information about the parentID.


The top node are treated as a separate menu from level 1 to level 1

the subnodes level 2-level 2, maby that's why there is no history after pressing a subnode?


Would be cool if Icould just step backwards with ../@ID





Then I must have misunderstood something.


If there is no parent node, how can you create a foldout menu ?


// Sebastian

Dammark wrote:

Then I must have misunderstood something.


If there is no parent node, how can you create a foldout menu ?


// Sebastian




Sorry, my mistake..

I was thinking that since level 2 menues are generated from page siblings they had parent id's form their parent pages.

I can see now that from the point of veiw of the menues, the submenues have no parent id.


I'll look into making a true foldout menu instead and see if that doesen't help :)


thanks for all the help




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