How can I make several types of master templates for the Database Publishing module? The way I've figured out this module works is, that it use the templates found in the /dbpub/base folder to create a set of custom templates, that are placed in the /dbpub folder. Is this correct?
How would I go at it if I had two sets of data (two completly different CSV files). Should I then copy the entire folder structure, that is the folder /dbpub including all subfolders. Will the module then know where to look for the master templates?
What is the folder /dbpub2/ for? It doesnt seem like its the same sort of templates as to be found in /dbpub/.
Is there any other documentation about the templates for Database Publishing than the short description found here - ?
Have anyone any experience with creating a set of templates that does not result in a basic table layout? What I mean is, the result is not a table with a headers and a row with all information.
I want to end up having something like this:\images\advert\freebie_shot1.gif
And not a normal list liket his:\images\advert\freebie_shot2.gif
It doesnt have to be a table-less layout :)
A more thorough explanation of how the set of templates work would also help a great deal.