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Forum » Feature requests » New Index List Type facets

New Index List Type facets

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi Guys,

I just stumbled upon some issue with defining facets that are based on List type fields.

I have noticed that the facet options displayed for these types of fields are just the values and not the labels.

Maybe I am missing something but I had to recreate all the filed labels as List Type Facet in order to get them in the Facets in the front-end.

While this is ok if you only have a few values, it becomes extremely annoying for large number of fields and options.

It would be nice/advisable to get the label values form the already defined list fields.

Maybe you already have it on your plate for future developments, but I figured I should pont it out since starting with 9.x.x the old index is no longer available and all cases like this will have trouble defining the facets.




Nicolai Pedersen

Items or products?