Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products
- Detail
- Represents product details objects
- DetailsGroup
- Represents information about a details group.
- DetailsGroupService
- The DetailsGroupService class providing methods for querying and saving the DetailsGroup data.
- FieldInheritance
- The FieldInheritance class provides language/variant inheritance settings, hidden/readonly/required settings for product fields
- FieldOption
- Represents a single field option.
- FieldOptionCollection
- Represents a collection of field options.
- FieldOptionTranslation
- The class FieldOptionTranslation represents product FieldOption translation.
- FieldOptionTranslationCollection
- The class FieldOptionTranslationCollection represents collection of FieldOptionTranslation.
- FieldType
- Represents product field type object
- Group
- Product group class
- GroupCollection
- Collection of product groups.
- GroupDeleting
- Helper class to properly delete group with access rights checks and from all places: pages, shops, other groups and products relations etc.
- GroupMetaData
- Represents information about meta data.
- GroupRelation
- Class for parent-child relations between product groups
- GroupRelationCollection
- Collection class for parent-child relations between product groups
- GroupService
- The GroupService class providing methods for querying and saving the Group aggregate to and from persistence.
- GroupShopRelation
- Class for relation objects between shops and product groups
- GroupTemplateExtender
- Group template extender. Extends the rendering of a Group.
- Manufacturer
- Represents a manufacturer of products.
- ManufacturerCollection
- Collection of Manufacturer class objects
- Period
- General-purpose Period class, used, for example, for prices
- Product
- Represents information about a product.
- ProductBackInStockNotification
- Represents information about an product back in stock notification.
- ProductCollection
- Represents a collection of the products.
- ProductCommentSaveSubscriber
- The class ProductCommentSaveSubscriber represents after product comment saved event subscriber.
- ProductDeleting
- Represents methods for deleting products.
- ProductField
- Provides information about a product field.
- ProductField.FieldSystemName
- List of database column names of the standard product fields
- ProductFieldTranslation
- The class ProductFieldTranslation represents ProductField translation.
- ProductFieldTranslationCollection
- The class ProductFieldTranslationCollection represents collection of ProductFieldTranslation.
- ProductFieldValue
- This class saves the new values for
- ProductFieldValueCollection
- Represents a collection of ProductFieldValue objects.
- ProductGroupField
- Represents information about product group.
- ProductGroupFieldCollection
- The class ProductGroupFieldCollection represents collection of ProductGroupField.
- ProductGroupFieldValue
- This class saves the new values for ProductGroupField
- ProductGroupFieldValueCollection
- Represents collection of ProductGroupFieldValue objects.
- ProductGroupRelation
- Represents information about related groups.
- ProductGroupRelationCollection
- Represents a collection of ProductGroupRelation objects.
- ProductGroupRelationService
- The ProductGroupRelationService class providing methods for querying and saving the product group relations
- ProductItem
- Represents information about product's item.
- ProductItemCollection
- Represents a collection of ProductItem objects.
- ProductKey
- The product key
- ProductListTemplateExtender
- Product list template extender. Extends the rendering of a ProductCollection.
- ProductMetaData
- Represents information about meta data.
- ProductRelated
- Represents information about related products.
- ProductRelatedGroup
- Represents information about the product related groups.
- ProductRelatedGroupTranslation
- Represents a translation of a related group.
- ProductRelation
- Represents information about product relations
- ProductTemplateExtender
- Product template extender. Extends the rendering of a Product.
- ProductVatGroup
- Represents VAT groups on product for each country
- ProductWorkflowStateChangedSubscriber
- The class ProductWorkflowStateChangedSubscriber represents product workflow state changed event subscriber.
- RelatedSmartSearch
- The class RelatedSmartSearch represents product related smart searches.
- RelatedSmartSearchCollection
- Represents a collection of RelatedSmartSearch objects.
- SaveMethodCombo
- Represents properties for saving.
- SaveMethodComboCollection
- Represents methods for adding and loading SaveMethodCombo objects.
- DetailsGroup.InheritanceType
- The InheritanceType enumeration defines the different types of DetailsGroup instances the DetailsGroup class can represent.
- DetailsGroupControlType
- The enum DetailsGroupControlType enumerates types for asset category control
- DetailsGroupPrimaryImageNameAdditionType
- The enum DetailsGroupPrimaryImageNameAdditionType enumerates types for asset category check-in rule primary image name addition
- DiscontinuedAction
- Discontinued action
- FieldDifferentiationType
- Enumerates field settings types
- FieldListPresentationType
- Represents presentation type for fields of type "list".
- GroupCollectionSortBy
- Sorting fields.
- GroupType
- GroupType enum enumerates types of group corresponding to how the group is used.
- ManufacturerCollectionSortBy
- Sorting fields.
- ProductBackInStockNotificationState
- The enum ProductBackInStockNotificationState represents ProductBackInStockNotification states enumeration.
- ProductDataBaseField
- DB fields.
- ProductFieldSectionType
- Describe the section type of the product field
- ProductOrderStockOperator
- 1 - Negative, 0 - Positive.
- ProductPriceType
- Type of price.
- ProductQuantification
- The enum ProductQuantification represents product quantification types enumeration.
- ProductType
- Type of product.
- SortDirection
- Sorting direction.
- UpdateType
- Update type.