Enum ProductDataBaseField
- Namespace
- Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products
- Assembly
- Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.dll
DB fields.
public enum ProductDataBaseField
OptimizedFor = 42
- A keyword or phrase for which this product's meta data is optimized for.
ProductActive = 21
- Active or not
ProductApprovalState = 51
- Approval state
ProductCommentcount = 44
- The count of comments on this product
ProductCost = 14
- Cost
ProductCreated = 23
- When was created
ProductCustomFieldsXml = 25
[Obsolete("Use ProductPoints instead")] ProductDefaultPoints = 45
- The count of loyalty points
ProductDefaultShopId = 0
- Default shop ID
ProductDefaultUnitId = 34
- Default unit ID
ProductDefaultVariantComboId = 35
- Default variant combo ID
ProductDepth = 56
- Depth
ProductDetailsImages = 11
- The product details images
ProductDetailsText = 12
- The product details text
ProductDiscontinued = 62
- Product is discontinued
ProductDiscontinuedAction = 65
- Discontinued action
ProductEAN = 53
ProductExpectedDelivery = 61
- Expected delivery
ProductHeight = 55
- Height
ProductImageDefault = 60
- Default image
ProductImageLarge = 7
- Large image
ProductImageMedium = 6
- Medium image
ProductImages = 8
- Product Images complex field - primary image + images from links
ProductImageSmall = 5
- Small image
ProductLink1 = 9
- The link
ProductLink2 = 10
- The link
ProductLongDescription = 4
- Long description
ProductManufacturerId = 20
- Manufacturer ID
ProductMetaCanonical = 49
- Meta information Canonical
ProductMetaDescription = 47
- Meta information Description
ProductMetaKeywords = 41
- Meta information Keywords
ProductMetaTitle = 46
- Meta information Title
ProductMetaUrl = 48
- Meta information Url
ProductName = 2
- Name
ProductNeverOutOfStock = 57
- Never out of stock
ProductNumber = 1
- Number
ProductPeriodId = 22
- Period ID
ProductPoints = 66
- The count of loyalty points
ProductPrice = 13
- Price
ProductPriceCounter = 28
- Counter of prices
ProductPriceMatrixMultiplePrices = 39
- Multiple prices
ProductPriceMatrixPeriod = 38
- Price matrix period
ProductPriceMatrixQuantitySpecification = 40
- Quantity specification
ProductPriceMatrixUnit = 36
- Price matrix unit
ProductPriceMatrixVariant = 37
- Price matrix variant
ProductPriceType = 27
- Type of price
ProductPurchaseMinimumQuantity = 58
- Minimum purchase quantity
ProductPurchaseQuantityStep = 59
- Purchase quantity step
ProductRating = 43
- The rating for this products
ProductRelatedCounter = 32
- Related counter
ProductReplacementProduct = 63
- Replacement product
ProductReplacementVariant = 64
- Replacement variant
ProductShortDescription = 3
- Short description
ProductShowInProductList = 50
- Show in product list
ProductStock = 15
- Stock
ProductStockGroupId = 16
- Stock group ID
ProductType = 26
- Type
ProductUnitCounter = 33
- Unit counter
ProductUpdated = 24
- When was updated
ProductVariantCounter = 29
- Counter of variants
ProductVariantGroupCounter = 31
- Counter of group variants
ProductVariantProdCounter = 30
- Counter of product variants
ProductVatGrpId = 19
ProductVolume = 18
- Volume
ProductWeight = 17
- Weight
ProductWidth = 54
- Width
ProductWorkflowStateId = 52
- Workflow state