Interface IDiscountExtenderCalculateOrderDiscount
- Namespace
- Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Discounts
- Assembly
- Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.dll
Implement this interface on a DiscountExtenderBase implementation to take over the calculation of a discount for an Order
using Dynamicweb.Core;
using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International;
using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Prices;
using Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Products;
using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.AddIns;
using Dynamicweb.Extensibility.Editors;
namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders.Discounts
public class SetAmountFromProductAsFinalPriceExtender : DiscountExtenderBase, IDiscountExtenderCalculateProductDiscount
[AddInParameter("Calculate discount based on amount field"), AddInDescription("Will set the final discounted price of a product to the value specified on the product custom field."), AddInParameterEditor(typeof(YesNoParameterEditor), "")]
public bool CalculateDiscountToReachSpecifiedDiscountPrice { get; set; }
public PriceInfo GetDiscount(Product product, Currency currency, Country country)
//Locating the amount set on the product in the custom field. We want to use this value as the final price after discount for this product.
double amountFromProductField = Converter.ToDouble(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue(Discount.AmountProductFieldName).Value);
if (amountFromProductField > 0)
//Load the price information located on the product in a custom field into a price calculated to handle vat etc.
var priceFromCustomField = PriceCalculated.Create(currency, country, new PriceRaw(amountFromProductField, currency));
if (CalculateDiscountToReachSpecifiedDiscountPrice)
//Find the calculated price for this product
var priceFromProduct = product.GetPrice(currency.Code, country.Code2);
//calculate what the discount must be in order to achieve a product price with discount that reflects what is in the custom field on the product
var theDiscount = priceFromProduct.Substract(priceFromCustomField);
return theDiscount;
return priceFromCustomField;
var calculated = PriceCalculated.Create(currency, country, new PriceRaw(0d, currency));
return calculated;
public override bool DiscountValidForProduct(Product product)
//This discount needs a field name specified in order to work
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Discount.AmountProductFieldName)) { return false; }
//This discount only works if the field has a positive value
double fieldValue = Converter.ToDouble(product.ProductFieldValues.GetProductFieldValue(Discount.AmountProductFieldName).Value);
if (fieldValue > 0) { return true; }
return false;
public override bool DiscountValidForOrder(Order order)
//this discount type only applies for products
return false;
If this interface is implemented it takes over discount calculation for an order.
GetDiscount(Order, PriceInfo)
Return the discount amount as a priceinfo that should be given to the passed order.
Order- The order to calculate the discount for
PriceInfo - The discount calculated by this discount instance
- Price
Info - The amount that is wanted to be given in discount
Override or adjust the calculation made by the discount implementing this method.