Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Orders
- CustomerOrderCollection
- Represents a collection of customer orders
- CustomerOrderCollectionFilter
- The class CustomerOrderCollectionFilter represents a filter of a collection of customer orders.
- Fee
- Represents information about a fee.
- FeeCollection
- Represents a collection of fees
- FeeManager
- The class FeeManager helps to manage a Fee.
- FeeProvider
- The FeeProvider allows you to manipulate the shipping fee of an order in eCommerce using class inherited from Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Orders.FeeProvider.
- Order
- Represents information about an order.
- OrderCaptureInfo
- Represents capture information about order.
- OrderCollection
- Represents a collection of the orders.
- OrderContext
- Represents a order context
- OrderContextCollection
- The class OrderContextCollection represents collection of OrderContext
- OrderDebuggingInfo
- Represents information about debugging.
- OrderField
- Represents information about a custom field in order.
- OrderFieldCollection
- Represents a collection of the OrderField objects.
- OrderFieldValue
- Represents a value for a custom field in order.
- OrderFieldValueCollection
- Represents a collection of the OrderFieldValue objects.
- OrderFlowCollection
- The class OrderFlowCollection represents collection of OrderFlow.
- OrderLine
- Represents information about an order line.
- OrderLineBuilderConfig
- OrderLineBuilderConfig class. This class cannot be inherited. This class helps to build OrderLines.
- OrderLineCollection
- Represents a collection of the OrderLine objects.
- OrderLineField
- Represents information about an order line field
- OrderLineFieldCollection
- Represents a collection of the OrderLineField objects.
- OrderLineFieldGroupRelation
- Represents information about an order line field group relations.
- OrderLineFieldValue
- Represents information about an order line field value.
- OrderLineFieldValueCollection
- Represents a collection of the OrderLineFieldValue objects.
- OrderLineTemplateExtender
- OrderLine template extender. Extends the rendering of a OrderLine.
- OrderReturnInfo
- Represents return information about order.
- OrderSearchResult
- Orders search result data
- OrderSearchResultItem
- Order search result item
- OrderService
- The OrderService class providing methods for querying and saving The Order aggregate to and from persistence.
- OrderState
- Represents information about order state.
- OrderStateCollection
- Represents a collection of the OrderState objects.
- OrderStateTranslation
- Represents a translation of the order state.
- OrderTemplateExtender
- Order template extender. Extends the rendering of a Order.
- Payment
- Represents information about a payment method
- PaymentCollection
- Represents a collection of payment objects
- PaymentTranslation
- Represents a translation of a shipping.
- RecurringOrder
- The class RecurringOrder represents recurring order.
- RecurringOrderFutureDelivery
- The information about the future delivery for recurring order
- Shipping
- Represents information about a shipping method
- ShippingCalculationResult
- Represents the result of calculating shipping fees for an order
- ShippingCollection
- Represents a collection of shipping objects
- ShippingTranslation
- Represents a translation of a shipping.
- TrackAndTrace
- Represents a track and trace configuration for orders.
- TrackAndTraceCollection
- The class TrackAndTraceCollection represents collection of TrackAndTrace
- TrackAndTraceParameter
- The class TrackAndTraceParameter represents TrackAndTrace parameter.
- TrackAndTraceParameterCollection
- The class TrackAndTraceParameterCollection represents collection of TrackAndTraceParameter.
- UniqueProduct
- Class to represent an unique product of customer order collection
- VatProvider
- The VatProvider allows you to manipulate country VAT on a product in eCommerce using a class inherited from Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Orders.VatProvider.
- IOrder
- Order interface.
- CountrySelectionForMethod
- Defines a country.
- DebuggingInfoType
- The enum DebuggingInfoType represents order debugging information types enumeration.
- FeeType
- Defines how a the amount of a fee on a orderline is calculated.
- OrderCaptureInfo.OrderCaptureState
- Capture state.
- OrderLineType
- Type of order line.
- OrderReturnOperationState
- Return state.
- OrderTemplateExtenderContext
- Indicates in which context an order is being rendered. Default is Order.
- OrderTotalPriceCondition
- The OrderTotalPriceCondition enumeration defines the logical operators used in an order total price comparison.
- OrderType
- Represents information about order type.
- PaymentAddInTypes
- Add in types.
- RecurringIntervalUnitType
- The enum IntervalUnitType represents recurring interval types enumeration.
- ShippingCalculationResultType
- The enum ShippingCalculationResultType represents shipping result calculation types enumeration.
- ShippingFeeRulesSources
- The enum ShippingFeeRulesSources represents shipping fee rules source type.
- ShippingLimitsUseLogics
- The enum ShippingLimitsUseLogics represents shipping limits usage logic.
- SortOrderType
- Sort order.
- VoucherUseCategoryType
- The enum VoucherUseCategoryType represents voucher usage type flag enumeration.