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Request Class

Acts as a wrapper for the current request in a given context
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dynamicweb.Environment.Web
Assembly:  Dynamicweb.Environment.Web (in Dynamicweb.Environment.Web.dll) Version: 3.2.1
public class Request : IRequest, IPostedFiles

The Request type exposes the following members.

Public methodRequest
Initializes a new istance of the Dynamicweb.Environment.Web.Request class that wraps an instance of the HttpContextBase class
Public propertyContentEncoding
Gets or sets the character set of the data that is provided by the client
Public propertyCookies
Gets the collection of Cookies that were sent by the client
Public propertyFiles
Files posted to the server.
Public propertyForm
Gets the NameValueCollection containing all values in the forms.
Public propertyHeaders
Gets the NameValueCollection containing all header values.
Public propertyHttpMethod
Gets the Http data Transfer method (such as GET, POST, or HEAD) that was used by the client.
Public propertyInputStream
Gets the input stream.
Public propertyIsSecureConnection
Gets a value indicating whether this instance is secure connection.
Public propertyItem
Gets the value in the request with the specified key.
Public propertyParams
Gets the parameters.
Public propertyPath
Gets the path.
Public propertyQueryString
Gets the NameValueCollection containing all values in the query string.
Public propertyRawUrl
Gets the raw URL.
Public propertyRequestType
Gets the type of the request.
Public propertyServerVariables
Gets the NameValueCollection containing all values in the server variables.
Public propertyUrl
Gets the Uri representing the current url.
Public propertyUrlReferrer
Gets the URL referrer.
Public propertyUserAgent
Gets the String containing the user agent.
Public propertyUserHostAddress
Gets the user host address.
Public propertyUserLanguages
Gets the user languages.
Public methodIsValid
Returns a value indicating if the Underlying Context and Request is available and valid
Extension Methods
See Also