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IndexSearchService Methods

The IndexSearchService type exposes the following members.

Public methodDelete
Deletes the IndexSearchConfiguration matching the name.
Public methodGetAllNames
Gets all IndexSearchConfiguration names.
Public methodGetConfigurableSchemaExtenderNames
Gets all names of configurable schema exnteders.
Public methodGetFieldsToIndex
Gets all fields that needs to be indexed for a IConfigurableIndexSchemaExtender.
Public methodGetIndexSearch
Gets an indexsearch that can be used to query the index.
Public methodGetIndexSearchConfigurations
Gets all IndexSearchConfiguration for the specified schemaExtender.
Public methodGetSchemaExtender
Gets the IConfigurableIndexSchemaExtender matching the name.
Public methodRead
Fetches the IndexSearchConfiguration based upon name.
Public methodSave
Persists the IndexSearchConfiguration.
See Also