| Name | Description |
| CopyGridRowToPage(CopyGridRowToPageDialogModel) |
Copies the grid row to a page.
| CopyGridRowToPage(Int32, Int32, String) |
Copies the grid row to a page.
| CopyPage(InsertPageDialogModel) |
Copies the page.
| CopyPage(Int32, Int32, String, String, String, String) |
Copies the page.
| CopyParagraphsToPage(InsertParagraphsToPageDialogModel) |
Copies the paragraphs to page.
| CopyParagraphsToPage(Int32, String, String, Boolean) |
Copies the paragraphs to page.
| CreateFolder(Int32, NullableInt32) |
Creates the folder.
| CreateFolder(Int32, NullableInt32, String) |
Creates the folder.
| CreateShortcutPage(InsertPageDialogModel) |
Creates shortcut page.
| CreateShortcutPage(String, String, String) |
Shows page selector for new page with shortcut.
| MovePage(InsertPageDialogModel) |
Moves the page.
| MovePage(Int32, Int32, String, String, String, String) |
Moves the page.
| MoveParagraphsToPage(InsertParagraphsToPageDialogModel) |
Moves the paragraphs to page.
| MoveParagraphsToPage(Int32, String) |
Moves the paragraphs to page.
| RenameFolder(Int32) |
Renames the folder.
| RenameFolder(Int32, String) |
Renames the folder.
| SelectPage |
Selects the page.
| SelectPage(SelectPageDialogModel) |
Selects the page.
| SelectParagraph |
Selects the paragraph.
| SelectParagraph(SelectParagraphDialogModel) |
Selects the paragraph.