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Query Class

The Class Query represents query object used for getting results from repository indexes
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dynamicweb.Indexing.Querying
Assembly:  Dynamicweb.Indexing (in Dynamicweb.Indexing.dll) Version: 5.0.2
public class Query : IQuery

The Query type exposes the following members.

Public methodQuery
Initialize new query instance
Public propertyAppendCompletionExpressions
Gets or sets query value indication whether to append in run time expessions based on selected completeness rules
Public propertyCompletionLanguages
Gets or sets query completion languages
Public propertyCompletionRules
Gets or sets query completion rules
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets Query description text
Public propertyExpression
Gets or sets query expression
Public propertyFileName
Gets or sets Query file name
Public propertyID
Gets or sets the unique ID of the smart search.
Public propertyImports
Gets or sets query imports
Public propertyListViewFields
Gets or sets query view fields used for pim listview
Public propertyMeta
Get or sets meta information
Public propertyName
Gets or sets Query name
Public propertyParameters
Gets or sets query parameters
Public propertyReferences
Gets or sets query references
Public propertySettings
Gets or sets settings collection
Public propertySortOrder
Gets or sets query sort order
Public propertySource
Gets or sets query source
Public propertySubType
Gets or sets Query sub type
Public propertyType
Gets or sets Query type
Public propertyViewFields
Gets or sets query view fields
Public propertyViewLanguages
Gets or sets query view languages
See Also