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Dynamicweb.Dashboards Namespace

Public classDashboardArea
The DashboardArea is used to show information about dashboard area
Public classCode exampleDashboardBase
The class DashboardBase provides dashboard base functionality with database persistance
Public classDashboardConfiguration
The class DashboardConfiguration provides change tracking for dashboard that needs to be persisted.
Public classDashboardExtensions
The class DashboardExtensions defines dashboard extensions.
Public classDashboardInsightsProvider
An implementation that provides Dashboard configurations to the Insights Publisher.
Public classDashboardPermissionControlled
Public classDashboardReadOnlyAttribute
Use to remove edit button from a dashboard and actions from its widgets
Public classInsightsPublisherAttribute
Use to manage dashboard behaviour in insights publisher app
Public interfaceIDashboard
The interface IDashboard defines dashboard model
Public interfaceIDashboardArea