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Statistics Methods

The Statistics type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberGetAdvertisingData
Returns the visitor advertising information.
Public methodStatic memberGetCountry
Returns country information by the given country code.
Public methodStatic memberGetDownloadedFilesData
Returns the list of files downloaded by the visitor last time he/she was on a website.
Public methodStatic memberGetExtranetData
Returns the visitor Extranet information.
Public methodStatic memberGetLastVisit
Returns the last visit for the given visitor filtered by using the given criteria.
Public methodStatic memberGetLocationDetails
Returns geolocation information available for the given IP-address.
Public methodStatic memberGetPageVisitData
Public methodStatic memberGetProfilesData
Returns the visitor profile estimate.
Public methodStatic memberGetQuery
Public methodStatic memberGetReferrerData
Returns the referrer URL of the last visit of a given visitor.
Public methodStatic memberGetVisitorAddress
Returns IP-address of a given visitor.
Public methodStatic memberGetVisitors
Gets the visitors to be displayed on the list.
Public methodStatic memberGetVisits(Int32, Query)
Gets visits for specific extranet user
Public methodStatic memberGetVisits(String, Query)
Returns the list of all visits for the given visitor filtered by using the given criteria and sorted by visit date, descending.
Public methodStatic memberParseFiltersFromRequest
Parses the list of filters from the given request.
See Also