Click or drag to resize

EditableGrid Class

Represents an editable grid.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  Dynamicweb.Controls
Assembly:  Dynamicweb.Controls (in Dynamicweb.Controls.dll) Version: 4.2.3
public class EditableGrid : GridView

The EditableGrid type exposes the following members.

Public methodEditableGrid
Initializes a new instance of the EditableGrid class
Public propertyAddNewRowMessage
Gets or sets a message which is displayed as a prompt for creating a new row.
Public propertyAllowAddingRows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether rows adding is allowed.
Public propertyAllowDeletingRows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether rows deleting is allowed.
Public propertyAllowSortingRows
Gets or sets a value indicating whether rows sorting is allowed.
Public propertyClientInstanceName
Gets the Javascript object instance name for current grid.
Public propertyDraggableColumnsMode
Gets or sets a grid row draggable mode.
Public propertyEnableSmartNavigation
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to enable "smart navigation" feature.
Public propertyIsProcessingAsyncRequest
Gets a value indicating whether grid is processing asynchronous request.
Public propertyNoRowsMessage
Gets or sets a message which is displayed when there are no rows in the grid.
Protected methodCreateChildControls
Creates the control hierarchy used to render Grid control using the specified data source.
Protected methodCreateNewRow(DataControlRowType)
Creates new row.
Protected methodCreateNewRow(DataControlRowType, Int32)
Creates new row.
Protected methodFindTable
Finds a reference to a System.Web.UI.WebControl.Table associated with the grid.
Protected methodGetRowByRowID
Retrieves the row by its ID.
Public methodGetRowID
Retrieves the ID of the given row.
Protected methodGetRowOutput
Retrieves a complete HTML output of the specified row.
Protected methodInitializeDataRow
Initializes the data row.
Protected methodInitializeFooter
Initializes footer row.
Protected methodInitializeHeader
Initializes the header row.
Protected methodOnInit
Raises the Dynamicweb.Controls.EditableGrid.Init event.
Protected methodOnLoad
Raises the Dynamicweb.Controls.EditableGrid.Load event.
Protected methodOnNewRowInitialize
Raises the Dynamicweb.Controls.EditableGrid.NewRowInitialize event.
Protected methodOnPagePreLoad
Raises the Dynamicweb.Controls.EditableGrid.PagePreLoad event.
Protected methodOnRestoreRowState
Raises the Dynamicweb.Controls.EditableGrid.RestoreRowState event.
Protected methodOnRowCreated
Raises the Dynamicweb.Controls.EditableGrid.RowCreated event.
Protected methodRaisePostBackEvent
Processes grid events.
Protected methodRender
Renders grid.
Protected methodSetStyles
Initializes grid styles.
Public eventNewRowInitialize
Asynchronously fired when a row which is being added to the grid needs to be initialized.
Public eventRestoreRowState
Fired on the post back when the state of the row needs to be restored.