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PageOnGlobalTags Methods

The PageOnGlobalTags type exposes the following members.

Public methodCompareTo
When sorted, the Rank is used.
(Inherited from NotificationSubscriber.)
Public methodOnNotify
Handles the notification.
(Overrides NotificationSubscriberOnNotify(String, NotificationArgs).)
Protected methodSetProductInformation(Order)
Clears and sets the product information in Dynamicweb for all the products in the order.
(Inherited from NotificationSubscriberBase.)
Protected methodSetProductInformation(Product, Double)
Sets the product information in Dynamicweb from the ERP.
(Inherited from NotificationSubscriberBase.)
Protected methodSetProductInformation(DictionaryProduct, Double, User)
Sets the product information in Dynamicweb for all the products passed.
(Inherited from NotificationSubscriberBase.)
Protected methodUpdateOrder
Updates the order.
(Inherited from NotificationSubscriberBase.)
See Also