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IFacetGroup Interface

The Interface IFacetGroup defines basic facet group model

Namespace:  Dynamicweb.Indexing.Querying.Faceting
Assembly:  Dynamicweb.Indexing (in Dynamicweb.Indexing.dll) Version: 5.0.2
public interface IFacetGroup

The IFacetGroup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets description
Public propertyFieldsTermsCount
Gets or sets facets field terms count
Public propertyFileName
Gets or sets facet group file name
Public propertyItems
Gets or sets containing facets
Public propertyMeta
Gets or sets meta information
Public propertyName
Gets or sets facet group name
Public propertySettings
Gets or sets settings collection
Public propertySource
Gets or sets facet group source
Public propertySubType
Gets or sets facet group sub type
Public propertyType
Gets or sets facet group type
See Also