Version: - stringSummary
Returns the meta tags for the page
The value comes from the page meta tag settings.
(Page > Meta tab > Searches panel)
For any blank fields the general value for the language layer is returned.
( Module tab > Frontpage (or Language > Language) > Meta tab)
See DWTitle for special issues related to the title.
This tag can be used on master templates.
(File Manager tab > Templates folder > Master folder)
The value is returned as a HTML code snippet.
Outputting the template tag
Check if tag has a value
@if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(GetString("MetaTags"))) {
@* Tag has value, so let's do something useful here. *@
Assign tag to a value for later use
string storedTag = GetString("MetaTags");
Outputting the template tag
Check if string has a value
<!--@If Defined(@MetaTags)-->
Let's output this tag here: <strong><!--@MetaTags--></strong>