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Product categories and category fields not translated

Peter Leleulya

Hi guys.

I'm (finaly) working on a proper rapido project.
It is the new Rapido 3.1.

We have products with product categories and our default language is English.
Using the dbo.EcomProductCategorytranslation and dbo.EcomProductCategoryFieldTranslation tables the categories and their field are also translated to our second ecom language German.

The eCom/Product/Blocks/Fields.cshtml template renders the tab for the product category fields and their fields.

When I am on an English (default language) product page all is well.
When I am on a German product page the tab value stays English and the category field labels as well ...

It seems that the GetLoop("ProductCategories") always returns the default language ...
It doesn't seem to take it's language context into consideration ...

In attachment 1 I have an image with on the left side the CMS product category "ProductFields" in german. On the right side output on a german area page (de-DE) with german ecom language (LANG11)

In attachment 2 in eCom/Product/Blocks/Fields.cshtml I get the category object value by GetCategoryById(categoryId, ecomLanguageId) and use its name for the Label. Then it DOES show the german text ... But I don't want to do this for all category fields (wouldnt know how without a categoryfieldservice) and I don't realy want to replace this huge Block by a custom one ...

Is there a fix for this?
Am I doing something wrong?

Hope to hear from you soon ...

With kind regards,


ProductCategoriesTranspated.PNG ProductCategoryHack.PNG


Hans Kloppenborg

N.B. its not that the language is not set, the category field values ARE translated on the german page. Its just the labels that do not get translated. The same effect seems to apply to the Admin, when you look at the product details, though this could be by design.

Kenneth Radoor

I had the same issue.

I fixed it by changing the default language for Ecom, and the changed it back to the original.

Actually you will have to set all language as the default, and then switch back to the original.

Then all the translations showed up ad expected. :)

Feels like a bug, but it works as a work around.

Version uses is 9.7.5


Kenneth Radoor 

Nicolai Pedersen

Please refer to this chapter:


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