Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.Statistics
- Country
- Represents the country statistics.
- Currency
- Represents the currency statistic.
- CustomersWithLoyaltyPoints
- Represents the loyalty statistics.
- DefaultMyPage
- Class contains functions for Order profit statistics handling.
- FrequentlyBoughtItems
- Represents the statistics about the frequently buys items.
- MostCriticalItems
- Represents the statistic about the most critical items.
- MostViewedProducts
- Represents the statistics about the most viewed products.
- OrderProfit
- Class contains functions for Order profit statistics handling.
- OrderShippingPrice
- Represents the statistics about order shipping price.
- Payment
- Represents the payment statistics.
- PeriodLoyaltyPoints
- Represents the loyalty statistics.
- ProductGroupCount
- Represents the product group statistics.
- Shipment
- Represents the shipment statistics.
- StatisticsProvider
- Class used as base class inherited by other classes for eCom statistics handling.
- TotalOrders
- Represents the total orders statistics.
- TotalProductSale
- Represents the total product sale statistics.
- TotalVAT
- Represents the VAT statistics.
- TrafficSourceToSale
- Represents the trafic source to the sale statistics.
- TurnoverBasedOnDeviceType
- Represents the turnover based on device type.
- GraphType
- Represents the graph types.