Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.ProductCatalog
- CategoryFieldViewModelSetting
- The category field model settings
- FieldGroupViewModel
- The class allows to view product display groups
- FieldValueViewModelSetting
- The product field model settings
- FillableViewModelBase
- A fillable viewmodel is a defined as a model for frontend, that allows for specification of which properties should be filled/loaded. If a property is specified as "not filled" it will have near-zero cost on performance, as this data is simply not loaded.
- ImageExportSettings
- The settings for the image exporting.
- PriceViewModelExtensions
- Extensions for price viewmodels
- ProductCatalogSettings
- Represents the settings of the product catalog.
- ProductViewModelExtensions
- The class UserExtensions represents shared member providing user extensions.
- ProductViewModelSettings
- Configuration of how a product viewmodel should be created.
- ViewModelFactory
- Handles creation of all ecommerce viewmodels.
- ViewSettingsBase<T>
- Configuration of which properties of a fillable viewmodel that should be loaded/filled.
- ViewSettingsBaseCurrencyBase<T>
- Base configuration for views that require a language and a currency code to be contructed.
- ViewSettingsLanguageBase<T>
- Base configuration for views that require a language to be contructed.