Namespace Dynamicweb.Ecommerce.International
- AddressFormatEditRow
- Represents edit address format row information.
- AddressFormatField
- Represents address format field information.
- AddressFormatKey
- Address format key
- AddressFormatService
- Country address formats service
- Country
- Represents a country.
- CountryAddressInfo
- Represents country address information
- CountryCollection
- Represents a collection of the Country.
- CountryException
- Represents the country exception.
- CountryKey
- The country key
- CountryRelation
- Represents the country relation.
- CountryRelationCollection
- Represents a collection of the CountryRelation
- CountryRelationKey
- The country relation key
- CountryText
- Represents the translations for the countries.
- CountryTranslation
- Represents a translation of a country with properties for the translatable values.
- Currency
- Represents the currency.
- CurrencyCollection
- Represents a collection of the Currency.
- CurrencyPattern
- Represents the currency patterns.
- CurrencyService
- Currency service provides operations for working with the currency model
- CurrencyTranslation
- Represents a translation of a currency.
- GlobalISO
- Represents the global ISO.
- GlobalISOCollection
- Represents a collection of the GlobalISO.
- Language
- Represents the language.
- LanguageBasedKey<TKey>
- The generic class to use as cache key in the services for language based entities.
- LanguageCollection
- Represents a collection of the Language
- LanguageService
- The LanguageService class providing methods for querying and saving the Language Aggregate to and from persistence.
- Translation
- Base class for translations.
- TranslationCollection<T>
- Represents a collection of translations.
- VatGroup
- Represents the VAT group.
- VatGroupCollection
- Represents a collection of the VatGroup
- VatGroupCountryRelation
- Represents a relation between the country and the VAT group.
- VatGroupCountryRelationKey
- The VatGroup CountryRelation key
- VatGroupKey
- The VatGroup key
- VatGroupTranslation
- Represents a translation of a VatGroup with properties for the translatable values.
- NegativePattern
- Represents a negative currency patternґ.
- PositivePattern
- Represents a positive currency pattern
- AddressFormatMode
- Describes the different address format modes.
- AddressFormatType
- Describes the different address format modes.
- CurrencyCollectionSortBy
- Specifies the sort columns.
- GlobalISOCollectionSortBy
- Specifies the sort columns.
- SortDirection
- Specifies the sort directions.