Table of Contents

Enum KnownAdornment

Possible adornments for a node. An adornment decorates a node with an image to indicate its state
public enum KnownAdornment


ContentType = 13
The node object have response content type set
DisplayModeList = 9
The node object have the subpages which are not shown in the tree
Draft = 3
The node object is Draft
EcommerceNavigation = 10
The node object have Ecommerce navigation enabled
Hidden = 0
The node object is Hidden
NavigationTag = 14
The node object have navigation tag set
Personalized = 8
The node object is Personalized
Published = 1
The node object is Published
Restricted = 5
The node object is Restricted
Scheduled = 6
The node object is Scheduled
Shortcut = 7
The node object is ShortCut
SplitTest = 4
The node object has Split Test
Unpublished = 2
The node object is Unpublished
UrlIgnoreForChildren = 12
The URL ignored for children
UrlProvider = 11
The node object have an URL provider
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