Namespace Dynamicweb.Content
- ApprovalTypeConverter
- This class is meant for use to wrap the integers indicating approvaltype inside a human-readable enum.
- Area
- The class Area represents a website or a language version of a given website
- AreaDomainRelation
- Represents an area domain relation.
- AreaDomainRelationSet
- Represents a set of area domain relations.
- AreaInfo
- The AreaInfo class provides information about a specific Area in a given Solution
- AreaService
- Provides methods for querying and persisting areas.
- ContentIndexBuilder
- ContentIndexProvider implements a IndexBuilderBase that indexes Pages, paragraphs and items to the index.
- ContentIndexSchemaExtender
- The ContentIndexSchemaExtender returns the fields that the pages, paragraphs and items support.
- CopyAreaInfo
- The CopyAreaInfo class holds information needed to perform a copy operation for a given Area
- CopyPageInfo
- The CopyPageInfo class carries the information needed to copy a page to another parent page
- DatabaseContentProvider
- DatabaseContentProvider is base class for add-ins that can auto generate test data for the solution.
- Extensions
- Content specific extension methods for the Service locator (IServiceLocator).
- ItemService
- Provides methods for querying and persisting items.
- Page
- The Page class models the concept of a webpage
- PageCollection
- A collection of Page
- PageDefinition
- The paragraph definition
- PageNavigationSettings
- Represents a eCommerce-related page navigation settings.
- PageService
- Provides methods for querying and persisting pages.
- Paragraph
- The Paragraph class models the concept of Paragraphs on a given Page (WebPage)
- ParagraphDefinition
- The paragraph definition
- ParagraphService
- Provides methods for querying and persisting paragraphs.
- Services
- Provides convenient access to known services.
- SolutionInfo
- The SolutionInfo class provides information about the currently running solution
- StructureChange
- This class contains function to handle with structure changes.
- IAreaService
- The IAreaService interface defines operations for working with the Area Aggregate
- IItemService
- The IItemService interface defines operations for working with the Item Aggregate
- IPageService
- The IPageService interface defines operations for working with the Page Aggregate
- IParagraphService
- The IParagraphService interface defines operation for working with the Paragraph Aggregate
- ApprovalType
- -2 = Draft, -1 = versions, 0 = normal, >0 = Some workflow
- AreaSort
- Defines how area collections should be sorted
- CopyMode
- Defines how to copy an area
- DisplayMode
- Specifies how a page shows its subpages in the content tree (backend UI)
- EcommerceNavigationParentType
- Represents a type of the parent node in the eCommerce navigation tree.
- MasterType
- Specifies how a master should update its children
- PageCollection.SortBy
- Defines how page collections should be sorted
- PageDefinitionType
- The types of page definitions
- ParagraphDefinitionType
- The types of paragraph definitions
- ParagraphSort
- Defines how paragraph collections should be sorted