Dynamicweb 8 Documentation
Dynamicweb.Notifications Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy

The Dynamicweb.Notifications namespaces contains all the notifications (events) that Dynamicweb raises when things are happening around the system. These notifications are used by creating a notification subscriber. Each notification in the system is passed a notificationArgs object that contains information of the context in which the event has happened. This namespace is used in almost all customizations of Dynamicweb.

Find notifications grouped below.

ClassAnalytics provides notifications names as well as notification argument types related to Online Marketing Center. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassAnalytics.EmailSendNotificationArgs Provides information about email notifications that are being sent.
ClassAnalytics.LeadStateChangeNotificationArgs Provides information about lead state change.
ClassAnalytics.ReportEmailSendNotificationArgs Provides information about report email notifications that are being sent.
ClassAnalytics.SplitTestEmailSendNotificationArgs Provides information about report email notifications that are being sent.
ClassAnalytics.VisitEngagementNotificationArgs Provides information about the visit's engagement index.
ClassAnalytics.VisitProfileNotificationArgs Provides information about the visit's profile.
ClassAnalytics.VisitTrackNotificationArgs Provides information about the visit that is being tracked.
ClassCommenting Notifications for comment module
ClassCommenting.CommentArgs Generic notification argument for comments
ClassCommenting.OnBeforeRenderCommentArgs Provides information about the comment
ClassCommenting.OnBeforeRenderCommentsArgs Provides information about the comments
ClasseCommerce Provides information about eCommerce module notifications. Find the various notifications in the list:
ClasseCommerce.Cart Provides notification names for eCommerce cart.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterCustomerAcceptedValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order just after Customer Accepted value is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterCustomerAcceptedValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order just after Customer Accepted value is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterCustomerCountryIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and country just after customer country is changed by the user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterCustomerCountryIsSetArgs Provides information about order and country just after customer country is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterCustomFieldValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and it's custom field just after it is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterCustomFieldValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order and it's custom field just after it is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterDefaultPropertiesValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and it's default properties just after it is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterDefaultPropertiesValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order and it's default properties just after it is set by user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterDeliveryCountryIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and delivery country just after it is changed by user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterDeliveryCountryIsSetArgs Provides information about order and delivery country just after delivery country is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterNewsletterSubscriptionValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order just after Newsletter Subscription is changed by user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterNewsletterSubscriptionValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order just after Newsletter Subscription is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterPaymentIsResetArgs Provides information about order just after PaymentMethod is reset.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterPaymentMethodIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and payment method just after PaymentMethod is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterPaymentMethodIsSetArgs Provides information about order and payment method just after PaymentMethod is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterShippingIsResetArgs Provides information about order just after ShippingMethod is reset.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterShippingMethodIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and shipping method just after shipping method is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.AfterShippingMethodIsSetArgs Provides information about order and shipping method just after shipping method is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeCustomerAcceptedValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order just before Customer Accepted value is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeCustomerAcceptedValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order just before Customer Accepted value is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeCustomerCountryIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and country just before customer country is changed by the user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeCustomerCountryIsSetArgs Provides information about order and country just before customer country is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeCustomFieldValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and it's custom field just before it is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeCustomFieldValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order and it's custom field just before it is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeDefaultPropertiesValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and it's default properties just before it is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeDefaultPropertiesValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order and it's default properties just before it is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeDeliveryCountryIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and delivery country just before it is changed by user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeDeliveryCountryIsSetArgs Provides information about order and delivery country just before delivery country is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeNewsletterSubscriptionValueIsChangedArgs Provides information about order just before Newsletter Subscription is changed by user.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeNewsletterSubscriptionValueIsSetArgs Provides information about order just before Newsletter Subscription is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforePaymentIsResetArgs Provides information about order just before PaymentMethod is reset.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforePaymentMethodIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and payment method just before PaymentMethod is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforePaymentMethodIsSetArgs Provides information about order and payment method just before PaymentMethod is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeRemovingNonExistingProductsArgs Provides information about order and order lines just before Non-existing products are removed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeRenderingEmptyCartArgs Provides information about cart that is going to be empty.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeRenderingNewStepArgs Provides information about order before a new step is rendered.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeShippingIsResetArgs Provides information about order just before ShippingMethod is reset.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeShippingMethodIsChangedArgs Provides information about order and shipping method just before shipping method is changed.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.BeforeShippingMethodIsSetArgs Provides information about order and shipping method just before shipping method is set.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.CheckoutDoneOrderIsCompleteArgs Provides information about order just when the Order is passed back from CheckoutHandler and is complete.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.CheckoutDoneOrderIsNotCompleteArgs Provides information about order when the Order is passed back from CheckoutHandler and is not complete.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.CreatedArgs Provides information about the created cart.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.DeletedArgs Provides information about the deleted cart.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.Line Provides notification names for eCommerce cart.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.Line.DecreasedArgs Provides information about the product the amount of which was decreased in the cart.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.Line.IncreasedArgs Provides information about the product the amount of which was increased in the cart
ClasseCommerce.Cart.Line.RemovedArgs Provides information about the removed product.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.OnNewsletterSubscribeArgs Provides information about order if user checks the signup for newsletter checkbox.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.OrderIsPassedToCheckoutHandlerArgs Provides information about order just when the order is passed to checkout handler.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.SendingConfirmationMailArgs Provides information about order and confirmation mail just before each individual Order Email is sent.
ClasseCommerce.Cart.SendMailsArgs Provides information about order just before Order Emails are sent.
ClasseCommerce.Group Encapsulated group-related notification objects.
ClasseCommerce.Group.AfterSaveArgs Provides information about group after group was saved.
ClasseCommerce.Group.BeforeDeleteArgs Provides information about group after group which is going to be deleted.
ClasseCommerce.Group.BeforeSaveArgs Provides information about group before group is going to be saved.
ClasseCommerce.Group.DeletedArgs Provides information about product group when it has been deleted.
ClasseCommerce.Group.GroupRelationModifiedEventArgs Provides data for the "RelationUpdated" and "RelationDeleted" notifications.
ClasseCommerce.Order Provides notification names for order.
ClasseCommerce.Order.AfterDeleteArgs Provides information about the order that was deleted.
ClasseCommerce.Order.AfterSaveArgs Provides information about the order which was saved.
ClasseCommerce.Order.BeforeDeleteArgs Provides information about the order that's going to be deleted.
ClasseCommerce.Order.BeforePaymentFeeCalculationArgs Provides information about order before payment fee calculation.
ClasseCommerce.Order.BeforePriceCalculationArgs Provides information about order which price is going to be calculated.
ClasseCommerce.Order.BeforeSaveArgs Provides information about the order which is going to be saved.
ClasseCommerce.Order.BeforeShippingFeeCalculationArgs Provides information about order before shipping fee calculation.
ClasseCommerce.Order.GatewayStatusChangedArgs Provides information about the order which gateway status changed.
ClasseCommerce.Order.State Provides notification names for order state.
ClasseCommerce.Order.State.ChangedArgs Provides information about order when it's status was changed.
ClasseCommerce.Product Provides notification names for product.
ClasseCommerce.Product.AfterDeleteArgs Provides information about product after deleting it.
ClasseCommerce.Product.AfterSaveArgs Provides information about product after saving.
ClasseCommerce.Product.BeforeDeleteArgs Provides information about product before deleting it.
ClasseCommerce.Product.BeforeRenderArgs Proovides information about product before rendering.
ClasseCommerce.Product.BeforeSaveArgs Proovides information about product before saving.
ClasseCommerce.ProductList Provides information about the product lists on the frontend.
ClasseCommerce.ProductList.BeforePagingArgs Provides information about products before paging change
ClasseCommerce.ProductList.BeforeRenderArgs Provides information about products before their rendering on the front end.
ClasseCommerce.ProductList.BeforeSortArgs Provides information about the products that will be sorted.
ClasseCommerce.Rma.ReplacementOrderCreatedArgs This is the NotificationArgs object for eCommerce.Rma.ReplacementOrderCreated.
ClasseCommerce.SearchFilters Contains notification names (as well as the corresponding notification arguments objects) for notifications related to search filters.
ClasseCommerce.SearchFilters.CancelableNotificationArgs Provides an ability to stop the execution flow within the current execution pipeline.
ClasseCommerce.SearchFilters.FilterNotificationArgs Provides additional information with filter-specific notifications.
ClasseCommerce.SearchFilters.FilterQueryNotificationArgs Provides additional information with filter-specific notifications ("Compose query" phase).
ClasseCommerce.SearchFilters.FilterRenderNotificationArgs Provides additional information with filter-specific notifications ("Render" phase).
ClasseCommerce.Stock Provides notification names for product stocks.
ClasseCommerce.VariantList Provides information about the product variants on the frontend.
ClasseCommerce.VariantList.BeforeRenderArgs Provides information about the product variants just before variant combinations is rendered
ClassItems Provides notifications names as well as notification argument types related to management of items. This class cannot be inherited.
ClassItems.CancelableItemArgs Provides information about the item with the ability to cancel the further execution.
ClassItems.ItemArgs Provides information about the item.
ClassItems.ItemUpdateArgs Provides information about the update process of an item.
ClassModule Class provides information about possible module manipulations
ClassStandard Provides notifications for standard objects. Find the various notifications in the list:
ClassStandard.Admin Provides notification names for Admin part of the site.
ClassStandard.Admin.PipelineStartArgs Provides information about the page from which the pipeline was launched
ClassStandard.Admin.StartArgs Provides information about the Admin default page after the user logged in.
ClassStandard.Application Provides notification names for Application.
ClassStandard.Application.AuthenticateRequestArgs Provides information about the request.
ClassStandard.Application.BeginRequestArgs Provides information about the request.
ClassStandard.Application.StartArgs Provides information about the application
ClassStandard.Page Provides notification names for pages.
ClassStandard.Page.AfterOutputArgs Arguments passed to Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.AfterOutput notification
ClassStandard.Page.DeviceDetectedArgs Arguments passed to Standard.Page.DeviceDetected notification
ClassStandard.Page.LoadedArgs Arguments passed to Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.Loaded notification
ClassStandard.Page.NotFoundArgs Arguments passed to Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.NotFound notification
ClassStandard.Page.OnOutputArgs Arguments passed to Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.OnOutput notification
ClassStandard.Page.PageNotificationArgs Provides information about the single page.
ClassStandard.Page.PageTitleArgs Arguments passed to Dynamicweb.Notifications.Standard.Page.PageTitle notification
ClassStandard.Page.PageValidationNotificationArgs Provides information about the page markup validation results.
ClassStandard.Page.PageviewNotificationArgs Generic notification argument for notifications in pageviev object
ClassStandard.Paragraph Provides notification names for paragraphs.
ClassStandard.Paragraph.OnBeforeRenderArgs Provides information about the paragraph before render.
ClassStandard.Paragraph.ParagraphModuleNotificationArgs Provides information about the module which has been attached to/detached from the paragraph.
ClassStandard.Paragraph.ParagraphNotificationArgs Provides information about the single paragraph.
ClassStandard.User Provides notification names for Users.
ClassStandard.User.OnAfterLoginArgs Provides information about the user
ClassStandard.User.OnBeforeExtranetLogOffArgs Provides information about the user
ClassStandard.User.OnExtranetLoginArgs Provides information about the user
ClassStandard.User.OnExtranetLoginFailedArgs Provides information if authorization failed
InterfaceAnalytics.IVisitNotificationArgs Represents a notification arguments providing information about the visit.
EnumerationeCommerce.Group.ExecutingContext Indicating which context the notification was executed in.
EnumerationStandard.User.OnExtranetLoginFailedArgs.FailReason Reason of authorisation failure.
See Also


Dynamicweb Assembly

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