HTML Examples Example with > (larger than): - (Price: )
Example with && (AND): - (Price: )
Example with || (OR): - (Price: )
Example with || (OR), && (AND) and @Else: AreaID=2 ELSE: AreaID not 2 AreaID=1 ELSE: AreaID not 1 AreaID=1 DwPageID: () DwPageID=1 or DwPageID = 2 ELSE: DwPageID NOT 1 or 2 DwPageID/AreaID: (/) DwPageID=1 and DwAreaID = 1 ELSE: DwPageID not 1 or DwAreaID not 1 Examples with Areas: Area=1 Area=1.1 and end...
Area=1 Area=1.1 and end...
Area ID is
Areaname=DynamicwebArea=1 Area=1.1 and end...
Area ID is more than 1
Area ID is different from 5
DwAreaID2 does not exists as tag

contains shop
startswith Dyna
DwPageID=Global:Page.Top.ID Examples with products: - (Price: ) [Product.price.price>100]
- [Product.Name=Desert]
- [LondDescription contains 'mums']
- [Product.Name endswith 's']
- [MetaTitle with content]
- ( stars) [Product.rating > 3]
- [Product.Name starts with 'hy']
- (Price: + stars)) [Product.price.price>100 + Product.rating > 3]
- (Price: ) [Product.price.price=7000]
- (Price: ) [Product.price.price>300 + Product.price.price!=7000]
Ecom:Product.Number starter med Global:Server.Date.Year ()