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Login Send Existing Password

Umar Farooq


I am trying to send users password on recovery insted of Recovery URL. on module i have select "Send Existing Password" but it keeps send Recovery URL. all the templates are rapido default templates. Is there anything I am missing also on email i can't find any tag for  DWExtranetPassword. below is the module settings





Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Umar

First of all - consider that feature a thing of the past. For security, GDPR and other reasons, do never ever send out passwords in clear text.

This solution is probably setup to use hashed passwords - hence they cannot be send out, as it is hashed and therefore not readable. So Dynamicweb will fallback to sending out a reset link instead.

So if the password is encrypted/hashed in the database, this will happen.

If you have not configured the solution to have encrypted passwords for all your users, get it done right away. Check the settings here:

BR Nicolai

Umar Farooq

Hi Nicolai,

It makes perfect sense if the users are created from the backend but in our senario all the users are imported from Nav (along with the password) if we allow users to reset the password then in next import it will be over written.

on the other hand, its arguable with the customer why they need to store Passwords in nav instead of letting DW handle that part.

It seems to be a nice feature in DW Live integration if we could send Password changed request so we can update Nav with new data. I came acrross this senario couple of times but ended up using OnBeforeSendingEmail notification.



Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Umar

No matter what, you should never ever ever ever (x1000) not store passwords in clear text. Security breach, GDPR and probably almost illegal :-).

BR Nicolai


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