Open external links in a new tab

On websites you will often want external links to open in a new tab. On Swift solutions you can control whether links should open as new tabs or not.

This will only works for specific columns, like features or text columns with buttons, where the external link is added directly in the column settings. If for example you are using the navigation column and using internal pages to redirect to an external link, they will NOT open in a new tab when clicked.

Here is how to do it:

  1. In content, click on the three vertical dots next to the website name in the content tree
  2. Click on “Websites” in the dropdown menu
  3. Click on the website you want to change the settings for and click “Edit” in the dropdown menu
  4. Scroll to the General section and check the “Open external links in new tab” box
  5. Click Save and close

The external links on your website will now open in a new tab.