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Website setting default value

Johan Lang
Johan Lang


If I create a new website setting, ie TestCount,  as int32 and set the default value to 30 and save it and close, the website setting is not set by the default value, it's 0.

Website setting:


In cshtml I can get the website setting value with:

int count = Pageview.AreaSettings.GetInt32("TestCount");

But how can I set a website setting vaule in cshtm?

I have trie with:
Model.Area.Item.Fields.Where(x => x.SystemName == "TestCount").SingleOrDefault().Value
but Value has only the Get property


Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

Hi Johan,
it could be used API: Item service  to change the website settings:

 if (Model.Area.Item != null)
    var websiteSettings = Dynamicweb.Services.Items.GetItem(Model.Area.ItemType, Model.Area.ItemId);
    websiteSettings["TestCount"] = 32;

Kind regards,

Johan Lang
Johan Lang

Ok, thanks!

What about to set a defult value in website setting, is it a bug that it not work?


Vladimir Shushunov Dynamicweb Employee
Vladimir Shushunov

Hi Johan,

The default value is not automatically written to DB. 
When a new field is added to an already existed item with default value - this value will be shown in edit form by default and it is required to save it to store in DB.

Kind regards,



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