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Forum » Ecommerce - Standard features » Pdf creator constructor exception

Pdf creator constructor exception

Shiwanka Chathuranga Dynamicweb Employee
Shiwanka Chathuranga

Issue :-

System.Exception: Pdf creator constructor exception ---> IronPdf.Exceptions.IronPdfAssemblyVersionMismatchException: Invalid assembly version for 'IronInterop' (actual: 2021.12.0.4389; expected: 2022.2.0.4868). This version of IronPdf requires updated native dependencies.


Shiwanka Chathuranga Dynamicweb Employee
Shiwanka Chathuranga

Solution :-

Remove IronPdf, including bin and obj folders, including any temp folders and then re-install IronPdf

Delete bin/runtime/win-x64 folder



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