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Forum » Templates » GetLoop( "Query.Parameters" ) in ProductListViewModel

GetLoop( "Query.Parameters" ) in ProductListViewModel

Jesper Holm Damgaard

Hi guys

I am in the process of converting an old product list template with template tags to the new product catalog using ProductListViewModel. I cannot seem to find any property or method that can give the data i used to find in the template tag GetLoop( "Query.Parameters" )

Am i mising something or i am supposed to get that from somewhere else?

All the best, Jesper


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Jesper

You will get similar information from the FacetViewModel

On the ProductListViewModel.FacetGroups[0].Facets[0], i.e. ProductListViewModel.FacetGroups[0].Facets[0].QueryParameter which you are looking for.

Of course FacetGroups and Facets are IEnumerables, so you have to loop first one and then the other inside.

BR Nicolai

Jesper Holm Damgaard

Thanks, but i my case i am actually looking for all query parameters that are not used as facets. Here is the snippet from my old template:

@foreach ( LoopItem queryParameter in GetLoop( "Query.Parameters" ) )
  if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( queryParameter.GetString( "Parameter.Value" ) ) == false )
    if ( queryParameter.GetBoolean( "Parameter.IsHandledAsFacet" ) == false && queryParameter.GetString( "Parameter.Name" ) != "q" )
      <input name="@queryParameter.GetString( "Parameter.Name" )" type="hidden" value="@HttpUtility.HtmlAttributeEncode( queryParameter.GetString( "Parameter.Value" ) )">

Is there any way to achieve that with the ProductListViewModel?

All the best, Jesper


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