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RenderItemList and global paragraphs

René Poulsen
René Poulsen


I'm creating a contactpage with departments and employees. Some of the employees belong to 2 or more departments, so I want to use global paragraphs for the employees.

The departments and employees are shown on a page using RenderItemList, but when trying to render all the employees for each department, the global paragaphs doesn't get rendered. I have a department (a page with ID = 34) with 3 employees. One of the employees is a global paragraph. When using this code, the global paragraph doesn't get rendered:

@RenderItemList(new {
ItemType = "Employee",
ListSourceType = "Page",
ListOrderBy = "Sort",
IncludeAllChildItems = "true",
IncludeParagraphItems = "true",
ListSourcePage = 34,
ItemFieldsList = "*",
ListTemplate = "itempublisher/list/contact.employeelist.cshtml",
ListPageSize = 1000

Is there anyway to get the global paragraphs rendered this way?


Nicolai Pedersen

Nope, I am affraid not...

The global paragraph is a content rendering feature and does not work outside regular paragraphs.

Sorry about the inconvenience.

BR Nicolai

Nicolai Pedersen

And generally you should avoid paragraph items for anything but regular paragraphs. Usually it would make more sense to use page based items for stuff like this.


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