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Forum » PIM » Publish PIM
Cris Santos

We are implementing a PIM solution. Our customer not need a Ecommerce solution now (they will need in the future).

Our products have been placed into the our PIM Structure.

If we want to show some products on Frontpage, do we have to create a new Ecommerce Shop and then check "Publish to Ecom" in our PIM products

Thank you



Lars Bruun
Lars Bruun


Would suggest using the Rapido template set - this is ready for all this.

Then you just Publish the relevant products to the desired Catagegory in Ecommerce,

Just make shure the indexes are running, otherwise you could wait quite long for the products to show up ;)

Tomas Gomez

I agree about using the Rapido template, though I think you don't need a Shop to show the PIM products on the frontend.

The "PIM_Tool" website uses a Product Catalogue App linked to the products index, and for the menu navigation you may select your PIM warehouse. Please correct me if I'm wrong.



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