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Live integration project not building

David Alexandersson

I donwloaded and added the Dynamicweb9.Ecommerce.LiveIntegration.VSProject( to my solution. First of all we had to upgrade the project to .net framework 4.6.1 to get the dlls from Nuget, and after that we could add the needed dlls from nugetmanager. 

One function however does not work, and because of this the project doesn't build.

This is the failing function: 

public override Prices.PriceRaw FindPrice(Product Product, double Quantity, string VariantID, International.Currency Currency, string UnitID, User User)
It is overwriting the inherited class PriceProvider's function, which looks like this:
public virtual PriceRaw FindPrice(Product product, double quantity, string variantId, Currency currency, string unitId, Dynamicweb.Frontend.Extranet user);
So it expects an Dynamicweb.Frontend.Extranet as input, but the Dynamicweb.Frontend.Extranet is deprecated and doesnt exist in the latest version of dynamicweb.dll which we got from nuget.
How do I solve this problem, or are there other ways to get started building Live integration calls?


Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi David,
It is not clear with what version of Dynamicweb you are trying to use the LiveIntegration project. But it looks like you need to remove the added Nuget references to Dynamicweb.Ecommerce and Dynamicweb packages and manually add a reference to them from your website bin folder and try to build the project. If it fails you could rename the type of the "user" parameter in the overridable FindPrice function so it suits the one from the Dynamicweb.eCommerce.Prices.PriceProvider base class.
In 9.4.* versions the "user" param is of type: "Security.UserManagement.User".
Regards, Dmitrij

Oscar Romin
Oscar Romin
This post has been marked as an answer

Hello! I work with David on this. 

We solved it by partly following your instructions; we just updated Dynamicweb.Ecommerce from nuget. It turns out we had version and there was a version 1.4.x out, which fixed it. 

Thanks for pointing us in the right direction!

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