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Importing users and addresses in one go without userID

Claus Kølbæk
Claus Kølbæk


I am running into a problem when trying to import users into the 2 tables AccessUser and AccessUserAddress.

The file contains a unique customernumber which I map into both the username and customernumber on a user, but since some users are created outside the import I cannot use this number as the userID in DW, and therefore leave it blank to be autogenerated.

My issue then is that if I try to leave the AccessUserAddressUserId blank for the import of addresses I get "cannot insert the value NULL", I found another (rather old) thread here: which stated:

"if it is an integer value – it looks for the AccessUserID with this value
otherwise or if the user is not found by ID it is searching by the columns: "AccessUserUserName", "AccessUserCustomerNumber", "AccessUserEmail"."

So my problem is that if I use the customernumber in the field for AccessUserAddressUserId then it tries to match against the users with the same ID - resulting in the wrong users getting the addresses. Is there anyway to force it to skip straight to looking at AccessUserCustomerNumber? - or ofc. some other field?


Claus Kølbæk
Claus Kølbæk

Found a small workaround by prepending a string to the external id when importing it into AccessUserCustomerNumber, now address import picks this field as a string.
Though I imagine only aslong as no users creates themselves with a similar username, and while that is higely unlikely I would still prefer a solution that had no amount of luck involved :)

Dmitriy Benyuk Dynamicweb Employee
Dmitriy Benyuk

Hi Claus,
Have you tried to select AccessUserCustomerNumber in the User key field?

Best regards, Dmitrij


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