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Forum » Integration » Export an excel (or CSV) file for each order that goes in a specific OrderState

Export an excel (or CSV) file for each order that goes in a specific OrderState

Adrian Ursu Dynamicweb Employee
Adrian Ursu

Hi guys,

For a project that is not integrated with an ERP, I need to create a file for each order that enters a specific OrderState.
What would be the best approach for this?

Is there a default way of doing it? If not, what is the best custom way of do it?

Thank you,




Nicolai Pedersen

You can use order export found under integration. See dump.

It will export a xml file and you can then choose to apply a xsl to convert it to CSV or similar.


Nicolai Pedersen

Oh, that is not related to an order state... Then I think a notification subscriber is the only way.


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