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Forum » Feature requests » E-mail preview and visualizing flows

E-mail preview and visualizing flows

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks


Please have a look at this short movie, perhaps you know it. We think we can learn something from it. 
We would really love you to add the following features to Dynamic Web:

1. The preview of E-mails in several devices (from 1:58 - 2:10 in the movie)
2. Campaign Automation (from 3:10 - 4:00 in the movie). We really love the way they make campaigns and E-mail flow visable and clarified.

I wonder if there are some devolepments like this are planned in your roadmap. Can someone tell me something about this?

Best regards

Campaign_automation.png Preview.png


Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Gerard

Thank you for the input. I know click dimensions and it is a really nice product - and I would love the same in Dynamicweb. It all boils down to the amount of development power available...

BR Nicolai

Gerard Kocks
Gerard Kocks

Hi Nicolai,

Thanks for your answer, I understand your challenge.

But is there a chance Dynamic Web is going to make this (or a part of this) happen?
Perhaps we can make it in phases? I was not expecting a copy of CD functions within a few months ;-)

Best regards

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Gerard

The whish is there - it all boils down to priority, so I cannot make any promises. You can always check out the official roadmap at this page:

BR Nicolai