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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Stocklocation on user in admin

Stocklocation on user in admin

Anders Ebdrup
Anders Ebdrup

Hi Dynamicweb,


We have an integrated solution with stock locations from the ERP-system, and as the StockLocation in DW only handles integers then we have a stock location like this: -1862847138, but negative values are not supported in the UI for EditUser.aspx. Which means that the stocklocation on the user is cleared if we save the user in the administration without remembering to set the stocklocation.

Can this line:

                        listItem.Selected = If(currentUser.StockLocationID > 0 AndAlso currentUser.StockLocationID = Converter.ToInt64(listItem.Value), True, False)

Be changed to:

                        listItem.Selected = If(currentUser.StockLocationID <> 0 AndAlso currentUser.StockLocationID = Converter.ToInt64(listItem.Value), True, False)

So you will only check if the StockLocationID is different from 0 and not larger than 0?


Best regards, Anders



Nicolai Pedersen
This post has been marked as an answer

Yes, implemented in TFS#51448, ready for next 9.4 hotfix.

BR Nicolai

Votes for this answer: 1


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