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Forum » Dynamicweb 9.0 Upgrade issues » Form settings: how to not send mail

Form settings: how to not send mail

Manon Wekking


We created a form with the forms for editors module. It is a register form, and we want that the filled in credentials go to the company, but not to the customer. 

In DW8 there was always a checkbox that you can say if it should send an email to the customer or not. In DW9 you don't have that choice anymore. It always sends the mail to the customer. 

Or is there an easy way (maybe checkbox) to not send the mail of the filled in form to the customer?

Hope to hear from you. 

Kind regards, 

Manon Wekking



Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

The Receipt (Ontvangstbevestiging) goes to the customer. I think you need the Email settings section above the receipt.

Manon Wekking

Hi Imar, 

That is the company mail adres that you fill in, not the customer.... Where can I check that in or out that the customer doesn't get the mail?

Imar Spaanjaars Dynamicweb Employee
Imar Spaanjaars

Maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying, but you should use the Email section to send an "internal" email (to the site owner) and the Receipt section to send an email to the customer. If you don't want to send something to the customer, don't fill in the Receipt section.

Or are you saying it also sends to the customer when you just use the Email section?


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