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Orphaned statsv2 data

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth

I was working on a cleanup script for stats and noticed that there appears to be a lot of orphaned stats entries. I tested on a current active DW9 and DW8 site. Both are getting daily orphaned entries.

Here a couple examples that have results in the two active sites that I tested on.

--Orphaned Statv2Object records
SELECT TOP 50 * FROM Statv2Object o WHERE o.Statv2ObjectSessionID NOT IN (SELECT Statv2SessionSessionID FROM Statv2Session) ORDER BY Statv2ObjectTimestamp DESC
--Orphaned Statv2SessionBot records
SELECT top 10 * FROM Statv2SessionBot sb WHERE sb.Statv2SessionSessionID NOT IN (SELECT Statv2SessionSessionID FROM Statv2Session) ORDER BY Statv2SessionTimestamp DESC

Is this expected?




Nicolai Pedersen

Statv2SessionBot and Statv2Session are 2 tables containing the same data - but if DW detects the UA as a bot, the bot version is used. So all records in Statv2SessionBot  would be orphaned to Statv2Session - that is by design. And probably, you orphaned statv2object records can be found in Statv2SessionBot instead.

Makes sense?

BR Nicolai

Scott Forsyth Dynamicweb Employee
Scott Forsyth

Hi Nicolai,

That makes a lot of sense and explains a lot. I have two follow-up questions then.

Is the data duplicated in each, or in just one or the other? I assume that when DW detects if it's a bot, it will use one or the other, and not both. Is that correct? When doing cleanup of the stats, it sounds like we could trim the bot data much more frequently.

I updated the query but I'm still getting orphaned daily results. Am I misunderstanding the relationship?

SELECT * FROM Statv2Object o WHERE o.Statv2ObjectSessionID NOT IN (SELECT Statv2SessionSessionID FROM Statv2Session)
AND o.Statv2ObjectSessionID NOT IN (SELECT Statv2SessionSessionID FROM Statv2SessionBot)
ORDER BY Statv2ObjectTimestamp DESC


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