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Forms for Editors submit data transfer to the Users entity?

Kevin O'Driscoll

We have a Form for Editors form capturing contact us email addresses and consents with 1181 submits. I would like to be able to transfer this data from the Forms for Editors entity to the Users entity. This would give access to the Marketing and the Leads Feature. Is there a magic button or checkbox somewhere that would do this?

At the moment I'm exporting data using the Export to XLS button which works fine except dates are converted to numbers. 
I set up an Integration Job to import this XLS into Users and do the field mapping manually. The job failed because the Dates are in the wrong format and the error  "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." this is also true for our Staging and Live Server.

DW Standard setup for IIS 10 is for 64-Bit so we can use all available RAM, IIS default install is for 64-Bit. The site Application Pool needs to be changed to Enable 32Bit Applications = true

(See attachment) This makes the import work. But I don't know the RAM implications of doing this and I shouldn't really have to, to make this small feature work
I guess changing to 32 Bit would only give us access to 50% of available RAM (Currently 32GB is available on each server)

It would be nice to have a magic button as it would become a database process, however I understand Field mapping will need to be looked at.



Kevin O'Driscoll

Meantime Claus Glavind, Director of Operations for Dynamicweb provided the solution for missing 64Bit Drivers to be installed alongside 32Bit Drivers:

About the installed components for using XLS import/export, the 2 components (32 bit/64 bit) needs to be installed in correct order.
Please use this example script for installing the 2 version:

Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { & cmd.exe /c "c:\test\AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe" }
Start-Sleep 60
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock { & cmd.exe /c "c:\temp\AccessDatabaseEngine.exe" }
Write-Host $server "Application intalled sucessfully" -BackgroundColor Green

A magic button or checkbox would be really useful

Nicolai Pedersen

Hi Kevin

You can create users automatically when a form is submitted. Please refer to this section:

BR Nicolai

Kevin O'Driscoll

Wow, how could I miss this? All my birthdays at once! Thanks Nicolai

Nicolai Pedersen



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