Event Viewer

The Event viewer tool provides you with a list of all system events – both errors, warnings and information events. The event viewer can be accessed from Settings > System > Event viewer and is basically a list of system events with filtering options (Figure 1.1).

Figure 1.1 A list of system events

Each event is listed with key data – Date, Level, Category, Action, and a Description – and the list can be filtered or searched.

Click any event to view the event details (Figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2 Event details

These are the database tables associated with the Event Viewer feature:


Contains setup data for direct paths.

Field name Data type Length
LogId int 4
LogAction nvarchar 250
LogDescription nvarchar Max
LogUsername nvarchar 250
LogDate datetime 8
LogFilePath nvarchar Max
LogLevel nvarchar 50
UserId int 4
UtcOffset nvarchar 50
Exception nvarchar 250
MachineName nvarchar 250
Category nvarchar 250
Url nvarchar Max