
Countries in Dynamicweb Ecommerce are used to:

  • Control which countries and regions can be selected as billing and delivery countries during checkout
  • Anchor shipping methods and payment methods to a particular country – and preselecting default shipping and billing methods
  • Setting the VAT rate for a country

To add a new country to your solution:

  • Go to Settings > Ecommerce > Internationalization > Countries
  • Click New Country in the toolbar to open the country selector and add a country
  • Fill in the parameters
  • Save

A new country is created with the basic information under Settings already filled out, except the VAT-related settings.

For each country, you can define frontend address formats – formats which control how address fields are shown in frontend. You can customize both the address display format and the address edit format. The display format is meant to be used when displaying an address, and the edit format when using a form to edit an address from frontend.

In frontend, can then use our API to fetch and render addresses using the approproate format – typically this will be in a shopping cart template.

Under Region/States (Figure 3.1), you can add regions/states to the country.

This allows your users to select states and regions, in addition to the country, when specifying their delivery and billing addresses during checkout – and is also used for e.g. address validation services and the Avalara AvaTax provider when calculating taxes.

Figure 3.1 Creating regions or states for a country

The default methods section is used to select a default payment and shipping method for this country.


These are the database tables related to internationaliation in Dynamicweb:


Contains countries defined in Settings -> Ecom -> Internationalization -> Countries.

Field name Data type Length
CountryCode2 nchar 2
CountryCode3 nvarchar 3
CountryCurrencyCode nvarchar 3
CountryNumber nvarchar 4
CountryVAT float 8
CountryCultureInfo nvarchar 15
CountryRegionCode nvarchar 3
CountryAddressDisplayFormatMode int 4
CountryAddressDisplayFormat nvarchar Max
CountryAddressEditFormatMode int 4
CountryAddressEditFormat nvarchar Max
CountryReverseChargeForVAT bit 1
CountryVatPostingGroup nvarchar 20


Defines what languages (CountryTextLanguageID) a country is translated for (CountryTextCode2).

Field name Data type Length
CountryTextCode2 nchar 2
CountryTextLanguageId nvarchar 50
CountryTextName nvarchar 255
CountryTextRegionCode nvarchar 3
CountryTextAutoId int 4


System lookup table for internationalization ISO data.

Field name Data type Length
IsoId int 4
IsoCode2 nchar 2
IsoCode3 nvarchar 3
IsoCountryNameDK nvarchar 255
IsoCountryNameUK nvarchar 255
IsoCurrencyCode int 4
IsoCurrencySymbol nvarchar 255
IsoVat float 8
IsoCultureInfo nvarchar 50
IsoDisabled bit 1


Keeps track of for which countries (MethodCountryRelCountryID) a given translation (MethodCountryRelLanguageID) of a payment- or shipping method (MethodCountryRelMethodID) is available.

Field name Data type Length
MethodCountryRelCode2 nvarchar 50
MethodCountryRelMethodType nvarchar 50
MethodCountryRelCountryId nvarchar 50
MethodCountryRelMethodId nvarchar 50
MethodCountryRelLanguageId nvarchar 50
MethodCountryRelIsDefault bit 1
MethodCountryRelRegionCode nvarchar 3
MethodCountryRelAutoId int 4