Dynamicweb WebAPI

As of 9.10, Dynamicweb features a new OpenAPI compliant WebAPI which makes it possible to deliver a headless experience on Dynamicweb. You can now set up a Dynamicweb solution and use it solely as a server that you query for data – and use that data independently of our template structure and frontend rendering engine:

  • Create a Single Page Application (SPA) written in your favourite programming language - see this example guide
  • Set up a query for e.g. promoted products and use it on your frontpage with asynchronous loading to keep load times low

To make it extra easy for you the webAPI is fully autodocumented locally on your Dynamicweb 9.10+ solution, meaning that you always have up-to-date documentation of the WebAPI that you’re using for your application. Visit yourwebsite.com/dwapi/docs to see the Swagger UI-based documentation on your local website and consider using the try it out functionality to see how it works.

You can check out the webAPI for this site here.

Please note that the WebAPI is in active development based on your feedback, so don't hesistate to contact us if you have any questions.