Dynamicweb 8 Documentation
CreateDataSet(String,String,Boolean) Method

The SQL specifiyng the data to return in System.Data.DataSet
Name of the MS Access database to get the data from (I.e. "Access.mdb" in /Database directory). Ignored if solution is running MS SQL-Server
Set to true if the returned dataset should contain schema information on table names, column names and types etc.
Creates a System.Data.DataSet with data returned by the passed SQL statement from the specfied database. Can only be called once per instance. Use multiple objects when your logic requires working with multiple connected datasets. Allthough the Finalize methods calls Dispose, thereby enabling the GC to clean up unmanaged code, call Dispose on your DataManager object as soon as your are done.
Public Overloads Function CreateDataSet( _ 
   ByVal sql As String, _ 
   ByVal database As String, _ 
   ByVal withSchema As Boolean _ 
) As DataSet
public DataSet CreateDataSet( 
   string sql,
   string database,
   bool withSchema 


The SQL specifiyng the data to return in System.Data.DataSet
Name of the MS Access database to get the data from (I.e. "Access.mdb" in /Database directory). Ignored if solution is running MS SQL-Server
Set to true if the returned dataset should contain schema information on table names, column names and types etc.

Return Value

A connected System.Data.DataSet instance with data.
Updating data in the databaseUpdating data in the database
using System.Data;

namespace Dynamicweb.Examples.CSharp
class DataManagerSample
    public int Save(int id)
        //Create a new datamanager instance
        using (var dtm = new DataManager())
            //Create a dataset with zero, one or more rows to update.
            var ds = dtm.CreateDataSet("SELECT * FROM UrlPath WHERE UrlPathID=" + id, "Dynamic.mdb");
            DataRow row;

            //If the id is 0, there will be no records in the returned dataset
            if (id == 0)
                //Add a new row to the table in the dataset
                row = ds.Tables[0].NewRow();
                //Set column values that only needs to be set on new rows
                row["UrlPathCreated"] = System.DateTime.Now;
                //We had a record in the table
                row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];

            //Update the column values
            row["UrlPathPath"] = "Contact";
            row["UrlPathRedirect"] = "Default.aspx?ID=1";
            row["UrlPathStatus"] = 301;
            row["UrlPathUpdated"] = System.DateTime.Now;
            row["UrlPathActive"] = true;

            //Pass the dataset to the datamanagers UpdateDataset method that will commit our changes to the database

            //If the id is 0, it was a new record - GetIdentity will return the id of the newest row added.
            if (id == 0)
                id = dtm.GetAddedIdentityKey();

            //Dispose the dataset
        return id;

Public Class DataManagerSample
    Public Function Save(ByVal id As Integer) As Integer
        'Create a new datamanager instance
        Using dtm As New DataManager
            'Create a dataset with zero, one or more rows to update.
            Dim ds As DataSet = dtm.CreateDataSet("SELECT * FROM UrlPath WHERE UrlPathID=" & id, "Dynamic.mdb")
            Dim row As DataRow

            'If the id is 0, there will be no records in the returned dataset
            If id = 0 Then
                'Add a new row to the table in the dataset
                row = ds.Tables(0).NewRow()
                'Set column values that only needs to be set on new rows
                row("UrlPathCreated") = Now
                'We had a record in the table
                row = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)
            End If

            'Update the column values
            row("UrlPathPath") = "Contact"
            row("UrlPathRedirect") = "Default.aspx?ID=1"
            row("UrlPathStatus") = 301
            row("UrlPathUpdated") = Now
            row("UrlPathActive") = True

            'Pass the dataset to the datamanagers UpdateDataset method that will commit our changes to the database

            'If the id is 0, it was a new record - GetIdentity will return the id of the newest row added.
            If id = 0 Then
                id = dtm.GetAddedIdentityKey()
            End If

            'Dispose the dataset
        End Using
        Return id
    End Function
End Class

Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also


DataManager Class
DataManager Members
Overload List

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