PostNord ServicePoint

The PostNord ServicePoint shipping provider connects to PostNord and retrieves a list of Service Points close to the billing address of the current cart – the fields Address, Zip, and City. The customer can then select a service point, and upon completing the order the address of this service point is added to the order as the delivery address.

As of Dynamicweb 9.13.8, the PostNord ServicePoint shipping provider integrates with the PostNord Service Points V5 API.

To set up the shipping provider you must obtain an API key from PostNord:

Once you have the API key, you can create the shipping method in the regular manner:

  • Go to Settings > Ecommerce > Orders > Shipping
  • Click New shipping in the toolbar
  • Select the PostNord ServicePoint provider from the drop down menu (Figure 1.1)

Use the paremeters to configure the shipping method:

  1. First enter the API key you got from PostNord.
  2. Then select a country code – this is the country you want this shipping method to service. Since the ServicePoint API only accepts one country code, we recommend that you create separate shipping methods for each country and use the general Countries section in the provider settings to limit availability to that country.
  3. Select a Shipping Provider Template – this is the template used to render the service points returned by the API.
  4. Optionally select one or more types of service point to limit the response to – if nothing is selected, all types are returned.
  5. Optionally select a service point addon to restrict the response to. By default, optional service points are returned – this is all active service points available for deliveries – but you can restrict the response to only include those with earlycollect or Saturday delivery. You can also set this value to All, in which case you will also get ineligible service points – not sure why you’d want that, though 😊
  6. Finally, you can set a max number of service points you want returned.

If you’re using a sandbox account for test, don’t forget to check Test Mode – if you don’t, you will connect to the wrong endpoint and experience errors.