Dynamicweb 9.13

Release date: January 25th 2022

Dynamicweb 9.13 is a transitional release focused on improving and stabilizing existing features while preparing the codebase for Dynamicweb 10. The main focus has been on PIM. 

Several important PIM features have been improved and streamlined: 

  • Translation
    The translation service now supports countries with multiple languages (e.g., Canada, Belgium, Switzerland).    
  • Digital Assets
    As part of the Auto-Checkin feature we have implemented a tool to remove missing links from the database when a file/image is removed from the file area. You can also define a Primary Image without a pre- or postfix value, and the scheduled task now has the option to not detach assets from products. Asset categories can now be used in query-expressions, so you can check if a product has a value in any given asset category. Finally, the ICECAT add-in now supports the download of mediatype: PDF.  
  • Product enrichment
    The tools for product enrichment have been improved in several areas. For example, when creating new language versions of a product, data from the default language is only copied to the new language version if the Field-settings don’t allow changes between language versions.  Several quality-of-life improvements to the variant panel have also been added; New variant combinations can be saved as extended variants immediately, and you can now search & set up paging for an improved selection & filtering experience.  
  • Product fields
    Much like the variant panel, search and paging functions have been implemented in the Product field settings area. The FieldTypeProvider (Concat) has been extended to also include SystemFields. Minor UX enhancements to Completeness and Field Display Groups.  

The focus has been on OData, increasing the experience when working with OData and the number of systems that we support in the Dynamics 365 stack. 

  • OData  
    • OData integration for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM and Finance and Operations 
      • Unleash the power of OData by integrating directly to Dynamics 365 CRM and Finance and Operations

    • Receive Access Token automatically for OAuth 2.0  
      • For a seamless experience the Access Token is now generated directly in DynamicWeb. 
    • Centralizing entity names in the Endpoint Provider 
      • Load all entities in the Endpoint Provider and ease the work instead of making a new activity for each source table.
    • Advanced Customer Specific Pricing 
      • Added support for advanced customer specific pricing using Price- and Discount Groups from Business Central in DynamicWeb. 
    • Configure extra fields from Business Central 
      • Instead of using extentions to setup extra fields, you can now configure them in Business Central (18+19). This is supported for Users, Contacts, Credits Invoices, Products, SalesHeaders, and SalesLines.  
    • Auto generate ID based on GUID 
      • Generate IDs based in GUID, where a meaningful value for primary key is missing.  
    • OData provider - prices on customer number
      • Import prices without having it assigned to a specific customer and assign it to a customer number in DynamicWeb.
    • Encrypt credentials in Endpoint Management
      • Encrypting passwords and Webservice Access keys used for authentication in the database.
  • ​​MISC 
    • Support for new Ecom API for LS Retail 
    • Sorting of list in Integrated Customer Center 
      • Added ability for sorting lists in the Integrated Customer Center. 
    • Support for CSV files in scheduled task add-ins Import data with custom request  

  •  Discounts Service
    New methods to get statistical information about discount have been added. This includes “total products sold with discounts this year”, “total discount given this year” and “total orders with discounts this year”   
  • ViewModels
    Quantity prices for products have been added to the ProductViewModel. This means you can render e.g. a table showing different prices depending on how many products the customer buys. Various properties, such as impersonation information and sales tax information, have been added to the OrderViewModel.  
  • Other
    Additional methods for exporting product data have been added to the WebAPI.  

Many Ecommerce entities can no longer be localized

Please also note that as of 9.13 the following Ecommerce features can no longer be localized but only translated:

  • Payment Methods
  • Shipping Methods
  • Countries
  • Currencies
  • VAT Groups

This means that you can no longer have different settings across language versions of e.g. a payment provider. If you need to use different settings in a particular context,  e.g. use a specific template or setting, we recommend that you create a separate entity for that context and use the restrictions to make it unavailable in other contexts.

  • Item types restrictions are now sorted alphabetically, making it easier to locate the item needed. ParagraphId and PageId have been added to the dropdown in the ItemType field options.